News article

Something new and exciting from us, that’ll help you engage clients, prospects, and professional connections

Welcome to The Yardstick Agency Online Shop, which is now open for business!

Engage, educate, and add value with our guides, animations, and e-zines

The shop contains a range of:

They’re all produced by our in-house team of experienced financial services copywriters.

Once you’ve bought one of the guides, e-zines, or animations, our designers will add your branding to ensure everyone who sees it understands it’s come from you. To show you what they look like, we’ve mocked the assets up in our fictional financial services brand, Loxley Financial Planning (we hope you like our strapline!).

Great value, and big discounts for existing Yardstick clients

The guides, e-zines, and animations already offer great value for money, but Yardstick clients will also enjoy a discount of over 25%.

Just to be clear, a Yardstick client is a business or individual who we’ve previously developed a website for, takes Yardstick Membership, or receives coaching services from us.

Try before you buy

We want you to understand what you’re buying, so we’ve decided (unlike other similar propositions) to show you 100% of the content before you buy. That way, you can understand exactly what the guide, e-zine, or animation says and there will be no surprises when we deliver it to you.

Plus, before we process your order, we’ll review the content to ensure it’s bang up to date. After all, there have been a few changes recently (thanks, Liz, Kwasi, Jeremy, and Rishi!).

So, what’s on offer?

Guides: 18 to choose from plus something new from Chris Budd of the Institute for Financial Wellbeing

Our guides cover a range of topics including personal finance, financial wellbeing, and those which have a more lifestyle focus.

Each guide:

  • Will be branded with your logo and colours
  • Offers an in-depth and engaging analysis of the topic
  • Is written by our team of experienced financial services copywriters.

We add a new guide to the shop each month.

So far this year, the most popular guides have been:

  1. The parents’ guide to paying for university and student loans
  2. Your complete guide to financial protection
  3. The useful guide to reaching your retirement goals

The latest guide is written by Chris Budd, founder of the Institute for Financial Wellbeing (IFW).

As you’d expect from Chris, the guide is all about financial wellbeing.

The guide reveals some of the steps people can take to make better decisions with their money, such as understanding sources of wellbeing and thinking about their future selves.

The guide costs:

  • £175 for non-Yardstick clients
  • £125 for Yardstick clients (we told you there was a great discount!).

I’m also delighted to announce that the revenue from this guide will be shared equally between The Yardstick Agency and the Institute for Financial Wellbeing.

So, buying it means it’ll benefit your clients and a worthy cause.

E-zines: Great content, fantastic design

Our e-zines give you the same great content:

  • In a magazine-style layout
  • Packed full of visually engaging charts and graphics.

Again, each e-zine will be rebranded with your logo and colours.

The latest e-zine to be added to the Shop is Your guide to the gender wealth gap and how to close it.

Despite a narrowing in recent years, there’s still a significant wealth gap that could negatively affect women and their ability to achieve long-term financial security.

Our e-zine looks at some of the financial challenges women face, from retiring with smaller pensions to the effects of divorce. It also offers practical advice for women to grow their wealth and have confidence about the future.

Other e-zines include:

In case of emergency: Organising your financial affairs

It can be easy to misplace important documents or information. Juggling saving accounts, pensions, and more can make it difficult to keep track of where everything is.

This invaluable document will help your clients to organise their affairs. With sections enabling clients to detail everything from their savings accounts and insurance to the location of their will, it will give them confidence that everything they or their family needs is in a single place.

Click here to take a look.

Organising your affairs after a loved one passes away      

Losing a loved one is always a difficult and emotional time. As well as grieving a loss, many people also face the stress of having to sort out issues such as probate, tax, and inheritance.

This comprehensive e-zine outlines everything a client should know if they are dealing with the death of a loved one. From organisationsthat can provide support, to how the intestacy rules work, it’s packed full of useful, practical tips and advice.

Click here to check it out.

Your guide to inflation and how it can affect your wealth

Hardly a day passes without inflation hitting the headlines, so this is the perfect time to engage with this e-zine.

It’ll help your clients understand more about the current inflation crisis, how it affects both their wealth and income and what they can do about it.

Click here to have a read.

Your guide to children and money

Ensuring their family is financially secure is often a priority for clients. This in-depth e-zine will help readers understand how a financial plan could improve their wellbeing and support future generations.

It also looks at why financial education and passing on knowledge are important for preparing children and grandchildren for the future.

Click here to take a look.

Your guide to avoiding financial scams

Millions of pounds are lost each year to financial scams. As scammers get ever more sophisticated, no one, not even your wealthiest client, is safe.  This e-zine will help to protect your clients, as it explains 10 common scams and how to spot them. It also reveals why people fall for scams, how to spot a cloned firm, and the five signs of a pension scam.

Click here to have a read.

Animations: Use on your website and use on social media

Our animations will help you promote your services in a different and engaging way.

Once we’ve added your branding, the animations are incredibly versatile:

  • Use them on social media
  • Add them to your most popular website pages
  • Send to prospects and professional connections.

Right now, we’ve got two animations.

The value of financial planning

You know financial planning changes lives. Your clients know it does too. However, prospective clients might need more convincing. That’s where this engaging animation comes into its own. It explains the financial planning process and the benefits clearly and concisely.

The package includes the animation updated with your branding, logo, contact details, and a testimonial slider. We’ll then add it to your website to save you the hassle and stress of doing it yourself.

Click here to watch it now.

Why do you need a Chartered financial planner?

You’ve worked hard to become a Chartered Financial Planner or a Chartered firm. Now’s the time to show it off. This engaging animation explains the benefits of working with a Chartered Financial Planner to both new and existing clients.

The package includes the animation updated with your branding, logo, and contact details. We’ll also add it to your website.

Click here to take a look.

Easy online ordering and payment

For each of the guides, e-zines, and animations you can:

  • See all of the content – there will be no surprises when we deliver your order
  • Order online
  • Pay online.

So, click here to visit the shop and have a browse.

Finally, if there are guides, e-zines, or animations you’d like us to add, please email to let us know.

We’d love to hear from you.

Stay in touch


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