Over the last few years, the UK’s departure from the European Union has provided both problems and opportunities for business.
Even just last week, Brexit freedoms enabled the chancellor to extend the VAT relief available to households wanting to install energy-efficient measures such as solar panels.
However, the change in relationship has also led to some administrative issues.
For more than two years, we have been fighting a battle with the Department for Leaving the European Union, and latterly the Department for Business, Environment and Industrial Strategy, about an issue as simple as the Yardstick Agency name.
Sadly, we have lost the fight and so we will be rebranding as The Metrestick Agency with immediate effect.
Why we’re rebranding
As part of the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union, the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 provided a new constitutional framework for the continuity of “retained EU law” in the UK, replacing the EU treaties that had, until that point, applied in the UK.
Thousands of amendments to that retained EU law also entered into force at the same time. This included, crucially, the Units of Measure Directive 80/181/EEC (2009).
Until such a time as the UK government repeals this law, we’re not allowed to use an imperial unit of measurement – the “yard” – in our business name.
So, to comply with the laws as they stand, we’re becoming “The Metrestick Agency”.
Importantly, you’ll see no change to the relationship you have with us. You’ll see a slight change to our logo and branding, and on social media and our website.
We’ll continue to provide the same high-quality marketing for financial planners and advisers that we have over the last five years – just with a new name going forward.
We’re encouraged by recent comments from Brexit negotiator Lord Frost that planned government measures – including reviewing the EU ban on markings and sales in imperial measurements such as pounds and ounces – will become legislation “in due course”.
Until that time, welcome to The Metrestick Agency.
If you have any questions, please email aprilfool@theyardstickagency.co.uk and I’ll be happy to respond.