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Coronavirus: 4 handy resources all financial advisers and planners can use right now

We live in strange and worrying times. None of us has ever experienced anything like this and I sincerely hope we never do again.

We’re going to keep this week’s blog practical. Explaining what we’re doing and how we’re helping financial advisers and planners, including those who aren’t necessarily clients, with some (hopefully!) useful free stuff.

What have we done?

We know that people, including your clients, those of other advisers/planners, and DIY investors will be anxious right now.

Clients will look to you for information, confidence and reassurance. The exact dose and how it’s administered will differ from person to person.

Prospects – people who aren’t yet clients but you’ve started talking to – will be equally nervous. In fact, they might be more anxious than clients as they’ve not had your years of wisdom.

Finally, professional connections will have nervous clients and they’ll probably be worried themselves.

That means you need to get your communications to each group right.

So, here are four things we hope will help you.

1. A free guide – Coronavirus: Your essential guide to successful client communication

We’ve produced a guide designed to help advisers and planners successfully communicate with clients, prospects and professional connections. It’s deliberately practical, with steps you can implement immediately as you seek to reassure clients and explain your plans as a business.

There are three ways to use the guide:

1. Download the PDF, by clicking the image to the right
2. Scroll through the page online
3. Click the links from the contents list below to be taken to an individual section in the guide

Click here to go to the guide.

2. A Zoom explainer

We know that video calls aren’t the preferred method of communication for most clients. So, with the help of Alasdair Walker at Handford Aitkenhead & Walker, we’ve developed a simple Zoom explainer.

If you’d like your own branded version, with your logo, colours and contact details, we’ll produce that for you free of charge.

Click here to take a look and request your own copy.

3. A free webinar

We are running a free webinar on Tuesday 24th March at 1.00 pm.

On the webinar we’ll:

  • Reveal the five changes you should be making to your marketing strategy right now
  • Explain the three groups of people financial advisers and planners should be communicating with during this crisis
  • Help you develop a communication strategy for each of the three groups
  • Explain the key messages you should be communicating to each group

It’ll be practical, with plenty of things you can implement that afternoon. There will be ample time for questions and discussion too.

Click here to book your place.

4. Making our content team available

Our content team have been superb over the past three weeks, producing great articles, email updates, newsletters, and social media messages.

So, we’re happy to open the team up to other financial advisers and planners who aren’t currently Yardstick Agency clients.

You might want a one-off blog writing, some social media messages creating, a client survey producing, or a pop-up added to your website. Whatever you need, we’re here to help.

We charge by the hour (£56 plus VAT) so you only pay for the time we take to complete the work you’ve asked us to do. There are no contracts, and nothing to tie you into us in any way. Pick us up and put us down as you need us.

Drop us an email to if you’d like our help.

The Yardstick Agency’s plans

It would be wrong for us not to explain our plans.

Our team are working remotely and have been since Tuesday. We can deal with calls, emails and video conferencing exactly as we would in the office. So, existing clients will see no difference in the service you receive from us. Projects will continue to be pushed forwards, content written, and newsletters sent.

Key contact information:

Telephone: 0115 8965 300

Phil Bray (Founder, Director): 

Emma Moore (Project manager): 

Michael Rose (Head of digital):

Dan Campbell (Head of branding):

Kayleigh Rawstron (Content):

How else can we help?

I love how our profession is rallying round to help others right now. There are some great examples of ‘giving’. We’ve highlighted two, from Neil Bage and Gareth Thompson, below.

We believe that the way we act right now as advisers, planners and business owners dictates the businesses we come back to when this ends. We’re all picturing the day, whenever it is, when we walk back through the door and are reunited, physically at least, as a team.

In the meantime, we’re here to help.

If there’s something we can do for you right now, please get in touch. And, if there’s something else you think would help the profession, please tell us.

Finally, please take care of yourselves, your families and friends over the coming weeks.

Stay in touch


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