News article

Why your support team should be featured on your website (and 8 things to include on their individual profile pages)

Over the past couple of weeks, you’ve read about website team pages.

First, you read that only 28% of adviser/planner websites are getting this incredibly important area of their site right. Then, last week, you discovered the 13 things all advisers and planners should have on their team page.

Finally, in the last of this three-part series, read about why it’s important to focus attention on other members of your team.

Include every member of your team on your website

We believe that people should be heroes of your website.

That means showcasing your team and your clients (yes, if you ask the right ones in the right way, they will be happy to help).

Ideally, your website will have a team page with everyone on it, from the managing director to the latest apprentice through the door. No one should be left behind. You should then link your team page to individual pages for every member of your team.

Unfortunately, we regularly see websites that only feature the board or senior team members, and others that just showcase the advisers/planners.

This makes the business look egotistical and elitist.

Practically speaking, it also makes it harder for clients who might be looking for a member of your support staff they need to contact.

Don’t worry about recruitment consultants

We’ve heard some business owners say that they won’t include their support staff on their website because it plays into the hands of recruiters. We’ve listened carefully to that argument, but, frankly, we don’t buy it:

  • The chances are, the recruiter will start their search for a candidate on LinkedIn, not your website
  • If your team is happy, feels fulfilled and well rewarded, you have nothing to worry about if a recruitment consultant contacts them. So focus on delivering that, not hiding your team away
  • If a member of your team is thinking of leaving, they’re going to do it anyway, on their timescale, rather than waiting for a recruitment consultant to contact them
  • The benefits to your clients and team of including everyone outweigh the potential risks.

In fact, it could work the other way.

Only including senior members of your team, or advisers/planners, on your website could make others feel underappreciated, even excluded. Over time, that feeling could grow to a point where they actively look for opportunities elsewhere.

Don’t push people

Very occasionally, a member of your team might be anxious about appearing on your website, or even point-blank refuse. If that happens, you must proceed with caution.

Start by asking more about their concerns:

  • Do they completely understand what you’re asking of them? We have found in the past that once the team member sees how it might look, their issues disappear
  • Specifically, what are they worried about? It might be that they don’t like their team photo, in which case, offer to have another taken. It might be that they don’t want their email address out in public, that’s easily solved by using a generic address
  • Do they have other, more personal reasons for not being online? If so, you must take these seriously and not push them into doing something they don’t feel comfortable with.

In our experience though, most of your team members will be happy to feature on your website. So, that leads us to the obvious next question, what should you include on their page?

#1: Their picture

Adding their picture will help to create an immediate connection with people who visit the page.

It needs to be professionally taken though, and we recommend allowing your team members to pick their favourite from those taken by the photographer.

You might also consider including some more personal images to show off your team’s personality and continue to build a connection with existing and prospective clients.

The Smith & Wardle website (which we developed and won Best Adviser Website in 2021’s Professional Adviser awards) is a great example of that.

#2: Job titles

Including a job title makes it easier for clients to find the member of your team they are looking for.

#3: Contact details

Some people, like existing clients, might simply visit an individual’s page because they need contact details.

So, make their life easy by including your team member’s telephone number and email address.

#4: An explanation of their role

The page should explain the day-to-day role of your team member:

  • What do they spend their time doing?
  • How does this work benefit the business and, more importantly, clients?
  • What motivates them to do the role well?
  • Who else do they work with?

#5: Their qualifications and accreditations

We recommend showcasing your adviser’s/planner’s qualifications and accreditations.

The same is true for other members of your team.

Doing this helps to recognise their achievements and demonstrates to prospective clients that your entire team, not just the advisers/planners, are highly qualified.

#6: Personal information

Too many advisers/planners believe that their clients (and prospective clients) are only interested in them professionally.

That’s not true.

We do business with people we know, like, and trust, which is why we recommend including some personal information on the page. Try to avoid the obvious clichés and innovatively display the information.  Lists work well, as do Q&As.

Even if you’re sceptical, believe us when we say that it’s very powerful.

#7: Social proof

Clients are often just as appreciative of your support team as they are your advisers/planners. That means you should also be collecting and displaying social proof for your support team.

You have several options here:

  • Written testimonials from clients
  • A short video featuring your clients
  • Client survey results.

Don’t forget awards too.

There is a growing number of categories available for your support team to enter.

When they open for entries, encourage your team to review the categories and then submit entries to any that are applicable.

Remember, you can use our Adviser Awards Index to find all the information you need about awards you could be entering.

#8: Explain why they love working for you

Get your team members to explain more about why their love their job, what motivates them to come to work, and how they enjoy helping clients.

This will resonate with three groups of people:

  • Existing clients
  • Potential clients
  • Potential recruits.

Existing and potential clients will be pleased to see a happy and motivated team. Potential recruits will also be attracted by the same things.

Give people what they want

Existing and prospective clients will visit your team page and the individual pages, as will potential recruits.

That means you need to get them right.

Hopefully, this series of articles will help you to do that.

Missed the others?

If you’re struggling though, or your website needs a wider overhaul, we’re here to help.

Drop an email to or call 0115 895 300. We’d love to have a chat.

Stay in touch


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