If you haven’t watched Love is Blind, it’s an experimental dating show where two groups of singles spend 10 days searching for the loves of their lives without ever seeing each other.
Within that time, the theory is that couples form deep enough connections to propose. They then spend a month together and decide whether or not to enter a legally-binding marriage at the altar.
So, you might be thinking, what on earth has a reality dating show got to do with my very real profession and prospective clients?
The contestants enter the show with a goal of a long-term, committed relationship – a goal that most financial planners and advisers share when attracting clients.
Also, it often takes more time, effort, and money to onboard a prospect than to maintain a relationship with a current client, so you want their loyalty and long-term devotion.
Here’s what you can take away from watching couples on Love is Blind trying to form relationships in the pods.
Be vulnerable and transparent
In order to ensure they find the right match, the contestants have to understand what they want and need in their relationships and be open about those desires. After all, trust is a strong foundation needed for a successful marriage (or client relationship).
As a financial adviser/planner, you will do the same. You need to understand the types of clients you usually work well with and express what you are looking to achieve in your client relationships – it might be determined by minimum AUM, age, or specific financial planning needs.
Without understanding who is right for you – just as in Love is Blind – the relationship might not last.
Another way you can show transparency is by sharing information about your fees or fee philosophy. See Phil’s blog for some tips on how to build a fees page to be proud of.
Show your personality
When you’re stuck behind a wall or a computer screen you can still convey your personality.
While potential clients probably don’t want to hear about what your perfect date sounds like, they do want to know what kind of financial adviser/planner you are and what it will be like to work with you.
A great way to do this is through client video testimonials. Here, your clients can sing your praises with their honest opinions about how you have benefited them and their financial prospects. It gives prospects an idea of your personality and what they can expect from working with you.
Get in touch if client videos are something you’re missing.
When there’s competition you need to make sure people know how you are different
The Love is Blind contestants sometimes find themselves in competition with the other singles, So, to win the affection of their desired match, they need to stand out.
So do you! What’s great about your particular business? What do you do differently? How can the way you work benefit your clients?
If you are a specialist in financial planning for a niche, let it be known! Specialists are trusted to have more knowledge and experience, perfect for the target segment you’re looking to attract.
For more differentiators you should include on your website, check out Elena’s blog.
Know when to end a relationship
If you’re simply not the right people for each other; as long as you stay professional and respectful, there should be no hard feelings if you end a relationship.
You could even set them up with another adviser – quite like in season 4 of Love is Blind where Marshall tipped off Brett that, although they were not compatible, Tiffany would be a good fit for him.
Spoiler alert: She was, they are married, and Marshall was at the wedding!
Referring unsuitable clients to another firm could lead to a mutually beneficial alliance where more client referrals could come your way. If not, it would still be a testament to your character as a firm.
We could be a match made in heaven
Relationships can be complex – be they romantic or professional, so we know the story doesn’t end here.
If you want to appeal to your prospects and maintain contact with your much-loved clients, we have the knowledge, experience and team that can help you achieve that.
Start your love affair with The Yardstick Agency today by emailing hi@theyardstickagency.co.uk or calling 0115 8965 300.