Head of Syndicated Content

Charlotte knows the difference between ‘your’ and ‘you’re’, ‘there’, ‘their’ and ‘they’re’ and ‘Pacific’ and ‘specific’. In fact, she knows quite a lot of words, and she uses them to write compelling content.
She joined the team with experience in agency copywriting and journalism, where she regularly used to write about the benefits of ethical investment and finance.
When she’s not writing, she can be found exploring the bars of Nottingham, watching ice hockey games, and researching new places to visit.
Get to know
Charlotte in the spotlight
Full English or Continental?
Always continental – who doesn’t love to eat pastries for breakfast?
Red or White?
Summer or Winter?
Summer, there’s always more to do when the sun is shining.
Holiday Abroad or 'Staycation'?
Either. I love to explore new places whether they’re in the UK or mean travelling long haul.
Fiction or Non-Fiction
Fiction, I’m always getting lost in a new book.
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