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3 ways we’ve improved our clients’ branding, and how this could help you

Last week I had the pleasure of attending Verve’s Evolution 2024 event. It’s a chance for those working in financial services to discuss the profession and, importantly, how it is evolving.

I was thrilled to be a finalist for the “Best Marketing Campaign of the Year” award, alongside our very own Abi Robinson who went on to win “Rising Star of the Year”. Why does this matter? The judges’ feedback commented on how we as a company have been transforming marketing norms within financial services.

At Yardstick, we’re all about pushing boundaries. Our fresh, creative strategies are not just transforming our clients’ visual identities, but also driving new business. We are shaking up the traditional financial services landscape one project at a time.

Innovation drives progress, progress drives results

Though we hope by now Yardstick has become your go-to marketing firm, we know from experience how important it is to always evaluate your own processes and be open to change. Embracing new ideas is essential for driving progress, and this is clear when it comes to design.

A unique brand presence can make a firm stand out in a crowded, and (often) rather dull profession. This enhanced visibility translates into more attention and increased business opportunities, proving that innovation doesn’t just mean a pretty logo – it positively impacts our clients’ entire identity.

The done way is not always the right way

I get it. Challenging convention can seem daunting. In a crowded market, where every other financial firm is following the same style, why would you stand apart from that?

Well, why not?

At Yardstick, we approach every branding project as a blank canvas, free from the constraints of past conventions and tailored to your unique journey. Our fresh perspective is setting new standards, demonstrating that financial services can be both professional and approachable. This shift is encouraging firms to rethink their branding strategies, leading to a more inclusive and dynamic industry.

Authenticity always wins

From the start of the design process, we focus on understanding who you are, your core values, and your clients.

Your brand should be unique and memorable, but also follow the design route that represents your company effectively and communicates your identity in a way that speaks clearly to your clients. Don’t worry though – we’ve got that covered!

The proof of the pudding is in the eating

Over the last few years, we have revolutionised our approach to graphic design and branding. But don’t just take my word for it – check out some of our standout projects.

  1. Money Means magic

This was a real passion project for me, and unlike anything we had done before.

Money Means’ goal was to make financial advice more digestible and accessible to adults it might not otherwise reach. The branding had to be playful but not condescending, informative but not dull.

Leading from the creation of the Money Means logo, we developed the design of a 288-page book. Each page challenged its topic with witty metaphors, striking typography, and vibrant illustrations to capture the attention of a younger, underserved audience.

Working closely with founder Helena Wardle, we ensured the brand resonated effectively. Helena’s enthusiastic feedback says it all: “We are going to take over the world!” and “I love your obsession with this and love what you have done!”

  1. ‘Elo from Melo

Melo was one of our biggest projects this year, and we are proud of the groundbreaking design we achieved. It saw three businesses merge, generating a new way forward for finance, and once the name had been agreed, an incredibly open design brief for us to drive into.

With the freedom the project had, we could bring their vision to life, transforming abstract ideas into a tangible, compelling brand identity. One that challenges anything that’s been done before in the financial sector, and Melo’s success since launch has only proved the power of daring to be different.

“We are REALLY pleased!” – Victoria Hicks, CEO

  1. Making things move

At Yardstick, we’re always exploring new ways to enhance marketing, including animation.

Research shows that viewers retain 95% of a video’s message compared to just 10% from text. Though there will always be a place for written content, we have utilised animation to effectively communicate our clients’ messages – whether it’s presenting client survey results, explaining financial planning journeys, or spicing up presentations.

Find out what we can do for you

Our recent and innovative graphic design and branding efforts have made a substantial impact.

For our clients, it translates into enhanced brand visibility and business opportunities. For the financial services profession, this represents a progressive shift towards more engaging and inclusive branding. For Yardstick, it has meant more business and other exciting projects that haven’t been launched yet (we can’t wait for you to see them!)

This is only just the beginning!

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Email or call 0115 8965 300.

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