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4 clever ways to turn complex topics into engaging content

If you run a “fun” business such as a skydiving company or a music studio, you might find it easy to come up with exciting content ideas that engage your clients and prospects.

Of course, I’m not suggesting that financial planning isn’t fun.

But you may need to work a little harder to turn complex topics such as investing, tax planning, and pensions into content your target audience can understand and what’s more, will want to read.

Read on to learn how to convey your message in a clear and compelling way, no matter how technical the subject matter is.

1. Hook your readers in with a great story

Just because you’re writing about something technical, doesn’t mean you can’t tell an interesting story. In fact, it’s possibly even more important that you do this.

A reader who is bombarded with jargon and dry explanations of complex topics may quickly “bounce” off your website – and onto your competitor’s.

Instead, tell a story.

Storytelling is a powerful way to simplify complex topics and make them more relatable.

For example, if you’re writing about loss aversion in investing, you might share a story about how you helped a client overcome their anxieties around risk to achieve their long-term investment goals.

Alternatively, you could relate your topic to a trending news story to make it relevant and meaningful to the audience.

In this way, stories can educate and entertain your clients and prospects by bringing complicated topics to life.

2. Use real-life examples that will resonate with your target audience

For the layperson, the world of financial planning can be confusing and overwhelming.

While there’s plenty of content online that supplies useful explainers of various financial matters, you can add value for your audience by using real-life examples.

Imagine you’re writing an article about Capital Gains Tax (CGT). You might explain this as, “the tax payable on any profit or ‘gains’ you make when you sell or dispose of an asset”.

While this is correct, you could make this much more relatable and easier to understand by adding an example. You might then go on to explain the Annual Exempt Amount using a further example.

To use this strategy effectively, you need to know your audience. So, for example, if you’re writing for high net worth individuals, it might be more impactful to use examples of several hundred thousand pounds, rather than several hundred.

Remember, the aim is to help your audience learn about a complex issue and understand how it might relate to them.

3. Break up long chunks of text with helpful sub-headings

Whether you’re writing for the layperson or experts, subheadings are vital for making complex content digestible and easy to navigate.

Long chunks of dense technical content can be off-putting for even the most knowledgeable and enthusiastic person.

What’s more, people rarely read online content word for word, they’re much more likely to scan the headings to find the information they need.

This may be especially true if you’re writing “how this works” or “how to” content on complicated topics.

However, it’s rarely a case of “any subheading will do”.

To be genuinely useful to the reader, your subheadings need to:

  • Be relevant to the overall topic
  • Accurately summarise the content they introduce
  • Be short, punchy and easy to read
  • Focus on the benefits
  • Add structure to your content and make it easier to navigate.

4. Use graphics and data to demonstrate your points

Even if you have a clearly defined audience, each individual will likely learn in a different way.

Some may respond better to graphics and tables of data than paragraphs of text. Others may need a combination of these to help them get to grips with a technical topic.

Often visuals – such as infographics, tables and graphs – can communicate complex ideas more quickly and simply than text.

For example, this table published by Schroders demonstrates the power of compounding returns on savings of £100 per month (assuming 6% annual returns).


The message is clear at a glance. In contrast, a lengthy text explanation of compounding might be harder to take in.

Indeed, research by SearchEngine Journal has shown that web content with visuals on average, receive up to 94% more views than text-only content. What’s more, visuals could make your content more memorable.

Copywriting expertise for your business

If you’re struggling to bring your content to life, we can help.

The copywriters at The Yardstick Agency are experts at turning complex financial topics into engaging newsletters that will hold your clients’ attention month after month.

Get in touch with us at or call 0115 8965 300.

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