Designer & Developer


Jordan is a key member of the web design and development team. Primarily a web developer, Jordan can usually be found doing what he does best: coding! When he isn’t, you can find him playing games or learning another language. 日本語お勉強押しています(“I’m learning Japanese”).

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Jordan in the spotlight

Full English or Continental?

Full English, but no beans or tomatoes please.

Red or White?

Neither, I can’t stand the taste of alcohol.

Summer or Winter?

Autumn. Neither summer nor winter appeal to me.

Holiday Abroad or 'Staycation'?

Abroad, but none of that beach holiday nonsense. If I’m going on holiday, I’m going to be seeing and doing a lot.

Fiction or Non-Fiction

They both have their merits, but I tend to read a lot more fiction than non-fiction.

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